
Last Updated 4/25/2024

The end of our dance year is quickly approaching. Download & Save this checklist to be sure you’re ready to go!

Planning ahead? Our 2024-2025 Class Schedule is live!

Please be sure to check out our list of Important Dates for upcoming deadlines, picture dates, finale practice & more!



Our Mission

Dance Dynamics offers a wide variety of classes. We believe in educating our students in a positive, structured, fun atmosphere that will provide them with the skills and techniques needed to explore the world of dance.

Our studio is based on the belief that we all are dancers at different ages, levels, and skill sets. Our classes allow dancers to express themselves freely in a nurturing environment. Help dancers find confidence, develop courage and express their feelings. We are a non-competitive studio allowing our main focus to be on your child’s dance education. We believe that dance should make you feel alive!

  • Everyone! Beginning dance at a young age has many benefits beyond the dance world. We offer classes for all ages & skill sets. It’s never too early (or late!) to begin!

    Meet some of our dancers!

  • We believe that everyone who walks through the door is part of our family. We strive to create an enviroment that is friendly, welcoming & full of good memories!

    Come visit us today!

  • Offering a wide range of classes, our dancers are provided with the opportunity to experience the art of dance while finding a style that works best for them!

    Check out our classes!